This book documents the extraordinary story of French researcher Mirko Beljanski, known as the Father of Environmental Medicine.
Beljanski’s discovery of destabilized DNA and the specific plant molecules that can help restore DNA to a healthy state and stop pathological cells from replicating have led to many miraculous cures and prolonged survival for thousands of cancer patients, including French President Francois Mitterrand.
Previously well-known only in France, Beljanski’s protocols are now gaining popularity in the U.S. and are being used by scientists at Columbia University. L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D., an expert on supercentenarians— people who live beyond the age of 110— gives an insightful account of the revolutionary approach to prevention and support pioneered by Beljanski, who spent thirty years at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris.
A compelling tale of a courageous and brilliant researcher, Extraordinary Healing illuminates the promise of specific, natural plant molecules in the restoration and protection of cellular health. It is a must-read for anyone in the field of cancer research.
ISBN-13 | 978-1893910898 |
Publisher | Freedom Press |
Publication date | 03/01/2011 |
Pages | 150 |
L. Stephen Coles, MD, PhD, is a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Los Angeles Department of Computer Science and an Assistant Researcher in the Department of Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine. He co-founded the Los Angeles Gerontology Research Group in 1990, which has met on a monthly basis at UCLA, the University of Southern California, and the California Institute of Technology for the last 19 years. He is a Director of the Supercentenarian Research Foundation, which studies people who have lived to be 110 years or older. Dr. Coles is the author of 129 scientific papers and holds two patents.
The history of science is filled with stories of men and women who, with the truths that they have discovered, have challenged powerful interests. These heroes of science, politics and other realms of society often demonstrate great courage to face off against extremely well-funded, established and profitable cartels like the intertwined interests of the chemical and food industries and the cancer and medical establishment. These mavericks frequently suffer greatly for their courage to advocate truth, however unpopular and unwanted it may be-at least by the most powerful monied interests.
Mirko Beljanski, PhD., was one such scientist. He spent a quarter century conducting controversial research at the Pasteur Institute where the Institute's director, Jacques Monod, suppressed his work in an epic battle to defend the primacy of cellular DNA over RNA. This is, in a sense, a ""war story"" worth telling.
Beljanski's work is currently enjoying a renaissance because major institutions have taken it up and are studying its efficacy. The growing acceptance of his theories by researchers at powerful institutions like Columbia University and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America could help Beljanski's methods become the backbone of complementary medicine and an accepted way of viewing cellular damage for screening purposes.
"Extraordinary Healing tells a great story that may help you to live a long and healthy life using RNA and plant molecules. To be read by both professionals and lay persons alike, this dramatic and compelling story clearly illustrates how bureaucratic agendas place politics above scientific truth at the expense of the knowledge necessary to extend human life. The story of the intense competition between rival scientists operating at the level of the Nobel Prize in genetic science sheds light on a new way to maintain cellular health and achieve longevity."
Steven M. Kaye, MD
Cofounder, Los Angeles Gerontology Research Group