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Maison Beljanski proudly sponsors the Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference and supports the Beljanski Foundation's cancer research

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Pao Pereira

From Folk Remedy to the Latest Research Programs

Pao pereira (Geissospermum Vellosii, or Geissospermum leave Velloso, or TabernaeMontana), also spelled Pau pereira, is a well-known tree, native to South America. Long before the supplements offered by Maison Beljanski, folk preparations made from the tree bark have been used for centuries by Indian tribes, to support and stimulate their immune systems. Pao pereira’s traditional use is well-recognized as an excellent tonic and powerful remedy against intermittent fevers. The first official monograph on the benefits of Pao pereira goes back to 1848, when Ezequiel Correa Dos Santos presented his thesis “Monographia do Geissospermum vellosii vulgo Pao pereira” to the Faculty of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro.

In the 80s, Mirko Beljanski, PhD, identified flavopereirine, an alkaloid found in the bark of Pao pereira, as the active molecule of this powerful botanical and studied its effect on numerous cell lines, healthy or cancerous. Dr. Beljanski developed a standardized extract of the botanical, and popularized the tree through his many publications dedicated to the selective activity of the alkaloid. The Beljanski Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to study the health benefits of natural compounds, has since developed numerous research programs in partnerships with several academic institutions to further document the mechanisms of actions by which Pao pereira effectively supports prostate health, pancreatic health, ovarian health or colorectal health, among its many benefits.

Click here to read the research on Pao pereira

Pao Pereira - Fair Trade, Sustainability and Responsible Development

Maison Beljanski proudly provides The Beljanski Foundation all the botanical extracts needed for its research programs. Maison Beljanski sources powerful, natural botanicals through fair trade and sustainable practices. Fair trade provides people from developing countries proper working conditions and a way out of poverty. Pao pereira bark sheds naturally all year round, making its harvest perfectly sustainable. Regular exports lift people out of poverty, give them a reason to value their natural surroundings and make them want to develop the economic prospects their environment has to offer.

Comparing Brands Selling Pao Pereira – Beljanski® as a Trademark for Excellence

Before Maison Beljanski was selected to become the exclusive provider of botanicals to The Beljanski Foundation, The Beljanski Foundation went on to compare the different dietary supplements on the market that claim to contain Pao pereira. The image below compares the flavopereirine content of a number of products that companies from around the world advertise as Pao pereira supplements.

To summarize, the information clearly indicates that only Maison Beljanski products, known as "The Beljanski® Products”, had enough of the beneficial alkaloid flavopereirine (>800 ppm). The majority of all other Pao pereira products analyzed had limited amounts (<100 ppm) of flavopereirine, and were therefore rejected by The Beljanski Foundation as possible suppliers.

All Beljanski® Products are tested by an independent third party laboratory before being released by Quality Control, and meet the stringent standards originally set by Dr. Mirko Beljanski.

Providing Pao Pereira and More for Scientific Research Programs

Maison Beljanski is grateful for the opportunity to support The Beljanski Foundation by providing it with all the botanical extracts needed for its many research programs. Over the years Maison Beljanski has provided Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, Ginkgo Biloba extracts, Teas and RNA fragments used by The Beljanski Foundation for scientific research. Maison Beljanski heartfully endorses The Beljanski Foundation’s overall mission to study and share knowledge of natural solutions to help support health and wellness. Every research program is designed as a continuation of Dr. Beljanski’s scientific breakthroughs regarding the role of environmental toxins in the onset of disease.

Click here to read the read the research

Do You Want To Learn More About Pao Pereira?

Sylvie Beljanski’s book “Winning The War On Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure”, will help you learn more about Dr. Mirko Beljanski’s orignal research as well as The Beljanski Foundation's publications on
Pao Pereira.

Buy the Book

My first stop was Rio de Janeiro, and its botanical garden, which has two specimens of the sought-after tree. Armed with a map of the botanical garden, I found their Pao pereira trees, and thoroughly examined them, taking many pictures. I noticed that the trunks were abundantly shedding, and that the soil surrounding each tree was covered with little pieces of bark. Intuitively, I reached for a Kleenex and collected as many flecks as my handkerchief could hold. I touched, smelled, and even tried to chew the pieces of bark, but it was so very bitter that I had to spit it right back.

P. 78 - Winning The War On Cancer:
The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

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